Village Lookup
The Epic Village -The Village Hidden in Awesomeness - |
The slightest thought of this Village sends you quaking in fear!
Village Leader: Gokiwa |
Number of Ninja: 27 Adryanuz, Alden, AlexVrn, Antonina, BillTaters, Browncoats, Caius77, Canni, Cannon, Capashin, CodeLyoko, Daigaro, Featherboy, FelisAvian, jerick, Lafiel, M00S12, MatanYo, Myun, Nanamashi, Riczilla, Rika, SparKane93, Taha128, Takuya, yardann |
Number of Upgrades: 188 |
War Status: Not Joined | Recruitment Status: Recruiting! |
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