Village Lookup
RyuGeass Village -The Village Hidden in The World - |
The slightest thought of this Village sends you quaking in fear!
Village Leader: Mooncalf |
Number of Ninja: 26 ahoyaro, Akagi, Akuma, Beastman, Chemikaze, Dark Rider, dreamgor, Elazule, God Revan, Goona, Gothjon, GunCastor, Gyoshido, Hrst, June, Kethlorn, Khaile, Koori Fuyu, MrRaindrop, person2no, Prown, RamenEater, Taffyman, Tiggsyy, Tursi |
Number of Upgrades: 188 |
War Status: Active! | Recruitment Status: Recruiting! |
Welcome to RyuGeass! |
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