Anime Cubed

Village Lookup
Hakurei Village
-The Village Hidden in the Border -
The slightest thought of this Village
sends you quaking in fear!
Village Leader: Gauss
Number of Ninja: 48
3mpr3qt, Aluber0999, Ariadne, Bortuto, Catprog, Charlesfox, DanaO, DDBen, Dead Bob, Dinea, Doxie, DrMcNinja, DuckMan, Gabriella, Gem Nani, Gulping, Haaland, Hasaiga, Hayazaki, Itahase, Kashi, Kovath, Kurunai, LanCameo, Mayu Sune, MeilingSan, Mixas, Monkey, MoonBurst, MormyMorm, Nobody, Racthoh, Raechel, Retigh, RichyR91, Rin, Sakuya, SIGINT, Sindusk, Soiuku, Therlorin, tn5421, Trace, unheard, Vandrew226, WHT1, Zee
Number of Upgrades: 188
War Status: Active!
Recruitment Status: Recruiting!
Come on in and spend some time with your fellow ninja. We've got regular Sci6 and more zombjas than you can shake a stick at, even if you're really good at stick-shaking.

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