Village Lookup
Flashstorm Village -The Village Hidden in the Sky - |
The slightest thought of this Village sends you quaking in fear!
Village Leader: corvettz06 |
Number of Ninja: 27 Akari, Ambisin, corvettz23, Deadlybeef, Eleanor, Fennel, Hugna, hunter54, KerryNatar, Kit, letsgetit, lookbehind, mustang38, naruto2424, Philippa, Rilly, Roxanne, sasuke69, Seayn, speeder24, Synicale, Szpilman, troyer01, tryme13, Yayan Sun, YuumaRei |
Number of Upgrades: 184 |
War Status: Active! | Recruitment Status: Recruiting! |
Come join the flash storm. We are taking over by storm |
Look up another village!